| Jump Rope Dudes

Things have been hard lately with my workouts. I'm a member of the Carolina Concert Choir here in Hendersonville, NC and we have our spring concerts coming up on April 26th and 27th. We're singing an INSANELY hard piece by Ola Gjeilo called Sunrise Mass. I feel like we're not ready and it's making me lose sleep. A lot of it. Which is affecting my workouts. I've been practicing my music at least three times a day in effort to maybe make myself feel more confident in the music, but I'm just one person in the choir. All of my fellow Altos are struggling a bit with this piece, so even if I perfect it, they may not have. I can't wait until these concerts are over. I need good sleep again so my workouts don't suffer.

Anyway, I'm sorry I've gone off topic. If you love choral music, go to YouTube and listen to Ola Gjeilo's Sunrise Mass sung by the Bel Canto Choir. It is one of the most jaw dropping, awe inspiring, chill inducing pieces you'll ever hear in your life. And I get to sing it. It's a masterpiece and I just want to do it justice.