| Jump Rope Dudes

Natalie Maestro

Hendersonville, NC, United States

Just a wife and mother of 2 who is trying to get healthy by doing the thing!


Apr 28 at 05:34 PM

I usually work out five days a week but Friday and the entire weekend was very busy for me , so I wasn't able to work out on Friday. I'm a member of the Carolina Concert Choir here in Hendersonville, NC and we just had our spring concerts this weekend. They both went very, very well. I'm looking forward to getting back to working out tomorrow. I really don't like skipping workouts, but it was necessary on Friday. I'm going to make up the workout I missed on Friday by doing two workouts. Can't wait! I love jumping rope!


Apr 22 at 05:37 AM

Shredded Ninja M1W4D1 keeps stopping on it's own to buffer or something, so this workout today hasn't been the best. It's not my internet because it shows the internet is absolutely fine. I'm not sure what's going on with it, so I shut it off and just did my own thing. Got my workout in and I'm ready to move on with my day!


Apr 18 at 06:04 AM

Just knocked out two Shredded Ninja workouts. M1W3D3 and M1W3D4. Feeling alright. Off to practice Schubert's Mass No. 2 in G Major and Ola Gjeilo's Sunrise Mass for my concerts on April 26th and 27th. After a protien bar and a nice shower, that is. It's been a little stressful lately but I'm still doin' the thing!


Apr 17 at 05:58 PM

Things have been hard lately with my workouts. I'm a member of the Carolina Concert Choir here in Hendersonville, NC and we have our spring concerts coming up on April 26th and 27th. We're singing an INSANELY hard piece by Ola Gjeilo called Sunrise Mass. I feel like we're not ready and it's making me lose sleep. A lot of it. Which is affecting my workouts. I've been practicing my music at least three times a day in effort to maybe make myself feel more confident in the music, but I'm just one person in the choir. All of my fellow Altos are struggling a bit with this piece, so even if I perfect it, they may not have. I can't wait until these concerts are over. I need good sleep again so my workouts don't suffer.

Anyway, I'm sorry I've gone off topic. If you love choral music, go to YouTube and listen to Ola Gjeilo's Sunrise Mass sung by the Bel Canto Choir. It is one of the most jaw dropping, awe inspiring, chill inducing pieces you'll ever hear in your life. And I get to sing it. It's a masterpiece and I just want to do it justice.


Apr 08 at 07:36 AM

Do any of the workouts on here have either of the dudes in the video, or are these all just timers with what you're supposed to do? I'm technically still on the 14 day trial and I'm not entirely sure I like the way these workouts are set up. I like to have the dudes providing encouragement and just talking. If they're all set up like the Shredded Ninja, I think I'll just go back to using the YouTube workouts. It's not that the experience here is entirely bad, it's alright but if I'm not going to have videos with Dan or Brandon in them, I'm not sure it's worth the price.


Apr 06 at 11:08 AM

This was my first week of doing the Shredded Ninja program. I thought I was ready for working out five days a week, but my body was struggling to keep up. As much of a go getter as I usually am, I think I'm gonna have to try four days a week. I tend to push myself very hard. Even on days that are supposed to be easy, I keep going until I burn at least 400 calories. I'm pretty bummed about it because in my late teens, I was a long distance runner and I could run ten miles a day, five days a week, plus other exercises like it was nothing. I'm only 38. I feel like I'm capable of a lot more, but my body is saying no.

I also think I may have something wrong with my spine. My shape is very uneven. I was told I had scoliosis when I was young but that it was only temporary because I was a young teen and still growing. I'm beginning to wonder if I never grew out of it. It's either that or wildly uneven fat distribution. I don't know.

Anyway, this week was a struggle, but I'm still motivated and can't wait to do the thing again on Monday! I ordered a kettlebell and resistance bands and I can't wait to use them!


Apr 01 at 06:07 AM

Shredded Ninja W1D1 in the books! Feeling great!


Mar 29 at 09:20 AM

The last Saturday in January I got a virus and had a heart issue. I had to wear a heart rate monitor for 10 days and I had a stress test with ultrasound on Valentine's Day. On Wednesday, I finally had my cardiology appointment to go over the results of the heart rate monitor. Everything was completely normal. My cardiologist has come to the conclusion that the virus I had was most likely the culprit. I had kept working out through my cold that week and I guess the virus was attacking my heart. I have an issue with pushing myself really hard no matter what, even when I'm sick. What do you guys do when you're sick? Do you take it easy on the workouts? Do you take the weeks off t9 just let your body recover? Do you keep pushing yourself? My husband is concerned that this will happen to me again the next time I get sick and decide to work out. Should I start taking the week off when I get sick or keep going?


Mar 29 at 07:58 AM

Hey JRD Fam! I've been jumping rope along with the Dudes since mid November. I got the Get Strong set yesterday and also decided to get a JRD subscription! I'm excited to start a new part of this journey.

I tried the Get Stong set and I could immediately tell I was getting blisters on my thumbs. Any way to stop that? I'm making sure I'm gripping them correctly. Anyone else have this issue? How did you fix it?